Student Survey Form
Student First Name:
Student Middle Name:
Student Last Name:
Local Address:
Permanent Address:
Email address you will use after leaving CSU-Pueblo:
Major field of study at CSU-Pueblo:
Why did you decide to attend CSU-Pueblo?
Did your decision to attend CSU-Pueblo involve any of the following? (Check all that apply):
Receipt of the ISIP scholarship in your first year of study.
CSU-Pueblo was the first American institution to accept you.
The size of the school and/or community.
Your chosen major was offered by CSU-Pueblo.
You had a friend/relative whom attended CSU-Pueblo.
Your transfer credits were readily accepted at CSU-Pueblo.
The admission requirements better suited your needs.
Other (Please explain):
What did you like most about CSU-Pueblo?
What did you like least about CSU-Pueblo?
Would you be interested in helping recruit others from your country to attend CSU-Pueblo?
If so, how would you like to help? (Check all that apply)
Attending recruitment fairs in your area (if available)
Helping with the travel arrangements for CIP staff
Talking with others in your home country about CSU-Pueblo (materials can be provided to assist you)
Would you be interested in joining or starting a CSU-Pueblo Alumni Chapter in your home country?
What will you be doing following graduation from CSU-Pueblo?
While a student at CSU-Pueblo, did you participate in the Friends and Family program or the International Students Incorporated activities?
If yes, did you feel any of the volunteers in the program attempted to influence your religious beliefs in a way that was uncomfortable to you?
Why did you decide to leave CSU-Pueblo?